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Friday, April 18, 2014

31 days of happiness - day 3

Day 3

Cori Robinson started a timeless, romantic, make you feel beautiful clothing line called Corilynn and recently her & her husband have launched their dream on Kickstarter! 

It's so exciting to see such a sweet, gorgeous woman so passionate about making us feel special and beautiful from the inside out! Her line is made right here in the good ole' USA, and each piece that she's designed has an incredible amount of TLC to make sure things are perfect for us. Her & her husband are such an amazing duo and I know they'll do amazing things with Corilynn.

I've backed her with the gorgeous pleated navy striped skirt...but the options are endless! So go enjoy the eye candy that is Corilynn! 

Daily happiness tip # 3: Dreaming is fun...but don't overwhelm yourself when others seem to achieve their dreams easier than you are. It is so important to dream, crucial to know what you want and how you plan on getting there. However, God has a very special, well thought out plan for you and sometimes we allow our plan to trump His. And let's face it - that NEVER works out. So work hard towards your goals but keep your heart open and pray with intention that God will show you His plan for you. And in His timing - I promise He will. It may not come in the package you expect but keep your heart open to see what He needs for you, not what you need. 

Proverbs 31:25 - "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." 


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