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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What matters most in 2014...

Many days I wake up wondering, (as many unsure of their life) 20-somethings do...what am I doing with my life? Is this the job I'm supposed to be in? Is this the life that God wants me to be living? 

Every article I've ever read about figuring out your passion and where you're supposed to be starts with,  decide what matters most to you

Is it your job? Is it your family? Is it traveling? Is it following God's will for your life? Or is your passion...finding a passion? 

Today I'm going to tell you about what matters most to me in 2014;  

The hope that the love of Jesus brings. 
Not everyday in this world is fun, easy or in accordance with the plan that I have for my life. However, everyday I remind myself, this life isn't for ME. It's for Him. Every single speed bump, trial & triumph is to glorify Him, so who am I to be unhappy with the plan he has given me? The best thing I can do is stay grateful for the many blessings He has already poured out over us & pray that He will continue to guide me and shape my heart for all the things I'm going through - both joyful & difficult. 

My husband. 
Jacob is a strong, kind, struggle in silence, complex, incredibly intelligent man. I am so lucky that he craves my love the way he does. This morning I was home working in the office for a day and him watching me take over the bathroom and get ready was like a giddy little boy. Just the idea of getting to wake up together everyday made him so sweet & excited. 

Family, friends, people. 
What matters most is sharing Christ's love with all those around you, showing them that no matter what happens you will continually love them the way that God loves us. Normally, it's pretty easy to do that with our family & friends...not always so easy with the sassy lady at the grocery store. BUT, when we strive to be like Christ from the inside out, I realize - does it really matter if she cuts me? Or rushes me or *sighs* extra loudly when I'm taking my time selecting the perfect protein bar? No it doesn't matter. But at the end of the day, me being sassy right back will not get her any closer to knowing Jesus' love, but me being patient and kind at least gives me the chance to share His love with someone who may really need it. 

In a nutshell, what matters most to me is - love. Being surrounded by love, sharing Christ's love and last but definitely not least - making others feel loved. Whether it means investing time, money, prayers or all three - no one deserves love any more or less than anyone else. 

So go out today & decide what matters most to you and that will help shape all of your decisions, thoughts & actions going forward...1 step closer to finding your passion! Join me on this crazy journey of 2014 to figure out what in the heck I'm doing here on this beautiful God given green earth! 


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