It has been the most magical December! We had such a wonderful time celebrating our first official not offshore Christmas! Jacob has been such a sweetheart letting me go crazy on Christmas presents & decorations and everything! I'm so so lucky he appreciates my affinity for elf culture :)
Anyways, here are some pictures from our amazing Christmas so far! So many wonderful memories!
Our Christmas haul!! Had so much fun getting the tree & wreaths & everything! |
Jacob & I had a date @ the Movie Tavern to watch Home Alone on the big screen! |
Our super adorable stockings...first time to hang them in the house! |
Our amazing, beautiful, 11 foot tree! My sweet husband let me go all Griswald's on our house! |
You're welcome for the series of pictures below, we were stuck in traffic waiting to get on the causeway...this is the love of my life.

The Chevron Christmas party was so much fun! Love this man always making me laugh! |
Our two good friends, Law & Courtney @ the Christmas party! |
Erin, Ashley & I having a blast at the Christmas party! Lots of dancing & wine! |
Elf on the Shelf cookies...well done Chevron! |
That time the bartender gave Jacob a champagne flute of crown! Bingo. |
Nolen, Jacob & Joey @ the Christmas party. |
Two of the sweetest, most special girls I've had the pleasure of getting to know this fall. Can't wait to see what 2015 brings for us! |
Christmas cookie decorating...Louisiana style! |
Our two new wonderful friends, Zane & Madeline! They hosted the most wonderful Christmas shindig! |
How fancy are they?? The food was delish! |
Adult hot chocolate bar...yesssss! |
Jacob & his best friend Jake...they are two peas in a pod! |
Our friend Ian is going offshore for Christmas this year so his adorable & 8 month pregnant wife planned such an amazing Christmas dinner surprise for him! Had such a great time celebrating with them! |
Jacob & our super photogenic son Raider! |
Jacob & our not super photogenic daughter Reagan. But she's so loving & beautiful! |
Merry Christmas to all & to all a good night! |
Merry Christmas y'all!
Remember to enjoy every second that you get to spend with family & that Jesus is the reason for the season!
The Weaver's
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