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Sunday, May 11, 2014

31 days of happiness - day 8

Day 8 

Well as of May 8th, I'm officially 25. Yikesss. That is a scary thought. I'm already looking back at my life saying - where did the time go? Does that mean I'm doing something wrong or that I've done something right? 

The scariest thing - I can't decide which one of those categories I fall into. I mean don't get me wrong - I've experienced some truly amazing things. Been all over the world, made some incredible friends, lost people that I love, been apart of the greatest love story, and most importantly - found Christ. But my question to myself everyday is - are you using those experiences to change others? Help others? Be your best self? 


My answer to that is a definite NO. So as 25 is a big year - I won't waste my time dwelling on everything that I've done wrong but instead what I'm going to do in this magical 25th year of life to be MY best self. To become a woman who's proud of herself. To become a woman who doesn't shy away from a challenge for fear of failure. To become a woman who knows exactly what she wants...and more importantly needs to be happy. To be able to look back on year #25 on this Earth & have lives changed to show for it rather than THINGS to show for it. To be a woman who doesn't allow others to dictate her feelings or self worth or confidence. To be the wife Jacob needs me to be. To be the light that someone, maybe just one person needs to see to know Jesus. 

1. Delete Instagram & Facebook - comparison robs joy. This year I will  choose joy. 

2. Jesus Calling - everyday. Wife after God - everyday. When I rise give me Jesus. 

3. Clean eating, train insane or remain the same...nothing makes a girl feel more beautiful than a good workout & a healthy meal...oh and a handsome man. I've definitely got the last one I can add the other two!

4. Write down any and all ideas to change the world. Good, bad, pretty, ugly...all of them. Eventually God will shine light on which one I'm supposed to pursue. 

5. Learn. Grow. Read

6.  Stop caring about THINGS. This is my biggest weakness. And it's as our pastor calls it - my favorite sin. So this year, I will fill my life with experiences - not things. I want to have stories to tell, not stuff to show. 

7. Unplug. Engage in every single moment with those that I'm sharing sweet, special memories with. Wherever you are - be there.

8.  Dream big...dream really really big. Dreaming is scary because it seems so farfetched. But how can you reach if you don't know WHAT you're reaching for? 25 will be a year of dreaming.

Isaiah 40:31 - "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." 


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